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About Me - Vital Nutrition and Dietetics

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About Me

Yvette Morris BN&D APD (Hons)

Vital Nutrition & Dietetics started in late 2018 with a vision for the business to be fully mobile, giving access to quality, evidence-based nutrition and dietetic services to people across all ages and abilities.

I have a passion to optimise health and well-being through the provision of good food with a strong focus on the nutritional needs of our most vulnerable populations.

My desire to support our most vulnerable populations started in high school where my first work experiences were at the local retirement village and nursing home.

Once leaving school and alongside raising my family, I spent the next 13 years working as an Assistant In Nursing in the ageing and disability care sectors.

In the following years I worked in residential care facilities, group homes as well as private residences.

My nursing career raised my curiosity regarding the difficulties faced by vulnerable populations in accessing quality nutritious food.

The lack of appropriate quantity and quality foods often resulted in poor quality diets, increased their risk of nutrition-related illness.

If these concerns were regularly addressed by a professional, the burden of nutrition-related illness would decrease, resulting in increased health and well-being.

A forced change in career started me on a 5 year learning journey at the University of Newcastle studying nutrition and dietetics. After many tears and sleepless nights, I graduated with a Bachelor of Nutrition and Dietetics (Hons) in 2018.

Service Philosophy

  • Access to quality, evidence-based nutrition and dietetic services is a basic human right.
  • Individually focused and holistic approaches to health and wellness promote enjoyment of all foods that nourish the body as well as the mind.
  • Collaborative approaches to setting your health and nutrition goals – support networks including family and friends as well as other health professionals are encouraged to be involved in our consults.
  • do not have trust in restrictive diets – unless they are medically advised or indicated.
  • value your knowledge about your body’s nutritional needs and I respect your prior knowledge, beliefs and customs relating to food and nutrition.