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Fee for service schedule - Vital Nutrition and Dietetics Vital Nutrition Mobile

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Fee for service schedule

100% Bulk Billing for Health care card holders and Pensioners

  • Medicare – eligible persons with a current Enhanced Primary Care Plan (EPC) can receive up to five (5) 30 minute consultations with a dietitian, if they are living with a chronic or complex medical condition including but not limited to Diabetes, Hypertension, High Cholesterol, Obesity and Cancer. Speak with your GP if you think you may be eligible for a bulk billed consultation prior to making your booking.
  • DVA Gold Card – All card holders with a current GP referral are eligible to be bulk billed.

Bulk Billing plus gap fee for non concession card holders

  • A gap fee of $25.40 is payable at the time of your consult.
  • A claim will be made to medicare for the remaining cost of your consult.

Private Fees

  • Initial consultation: $80.00 (30 minutes)
  • Extended initial consultation – available by request only: $110.00 (1 hour)
  • Review consultations: $80.00

Private Health Insurance Rebates for dietetic services may be claimed for persons who have private health insurance (rebate amount varies across individual health insurance providers).

Home Visits

  • All home visits for persons under an NDIS plan, or with a DVA gold are bulk-billed (no gap or out-of-pocket costs).
  • All home visits for patients with an EPC plan are bulk-billed, however a $30.00 travel fee will apply
  • Standard billing for home visits: $130.00 (1hour Initial and Review consultations)
  • Cancelling a home visit without a minimum of 24 hours notice will incur a $30.00 cancellation fee.

Consultation fees are payable on the day by cash or credit card.

Cancellations require a minimum of 24 hours notice if you are unable to attend. Failure to notify may incur a cancellation fee. Please call Yvette on 0401086339 to reschedule or cancel a consultation.

Small Group Nutrition Education and Cooking Classes. (Maximum group size is 10)

  • Set up fee $100.00 (Set up fee can include travel costs to venue, resource development and/or price of food)
  • Fee per class participant $10.00
  • Cancellation of group services require a minimum of 5 working days notice if the class isn’t going ahead. Failure to notify will incur a $30.00 cancellation fee.