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Services - Vital Nutrition and Dietetics

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Vital nutrition and dietetics services is all about promoting good health and wellbeing across all populations and all age groups, by building a knowledge foundation around all things food and nutrition. Food and nutrition-related science is ever changing and most of us have unlimited access to a buffet of nutrition information at our fingertips. It is important to consult an accredited dietitian with all of your nutrition-related queries and concerns.

Service items are delivered at a location of your choice across multiple media platforms.

My home office is located at Mulambin (please scroll to the bottom of the page for office address details). You have a choice to attend in person or recieve a phone call. You may also like to take advantage of Covui, Skype, Zoom video platforms.

Home visits are available at a time that suits you, however they can incur a travel fee (please see the fee for service schedule page for full details).

Alternatively, we can meet at your place of work, supermarkets or coffee shops. (Travel fees may be incurred, please see the fee for service schedule page for full details).

Most Service items can be delivered in a small group setting if requested.

Management of chronic disease.

Eating a balanced and varied diet is important for managing chronic nutrition-related conditions. I can teach you simple strategies that will promote good health and wellbeing whilst managing or minimising the symptoms of chronic disease. Some of the health conditions that can be managed through diet include Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes, High blood pressure, MND, Parkinson’s, Obesity or Low weight, Poor appetite, IBS, Food allergies and Food intolerance, Constipation, and Mental health conditions such as Depression, Anxiety and Eating disorders.

Meal planning, Shopping tours and Food environment safety.

Knowledge and preparation is key when it comes to eating a well balanced and varied diet. I can assist you with meal planning, preparing and cooking meals, and creating shopping lists that reflect your food preferences and your individual budget. I can also offer education around safe food storage, ensuring your environment is free from food borne viruses. Assisted Shopping tours can be arranged at your supermarket or even virtual supermarkets if mobility or transport are barriers to eating for wellness.

Food- related Skills and Resource development for the home environment.

I know a lot about food and nutrition, you know a lot about what your body needs and your home and social environments. We will take a collaborative approach to developing practical skills, resources and tools to assist with eating, feeding and cooking. Written and pictorial resources can include portion control tools, mealtime feeding resources, enhanced recipe and meal development or creating simple herb and vegetable gardens.

Navigating other food environments.

All meals are not eaten in the home therefore, its important to look at other your eating environments. I can provide guidance with eating out and eating socially, including how to choose suitable, nourishing foods from fast food outlets and restaurant menus.